About This File
!Importrant! Version 1.2.0 now only supports php 7.3 and higher, before upgrade run dmnmucms-checker.php on your web hosting !Importrant!
!Importrant! Version 1.2.4 now only supports php 8.1 and higher, before upgrade run dmnmucms-checker.php on your web hosting !Importrant!
DMW MuCMS MuOnline Website
This submission contains Full DmN MuCMS package of latest stable version.
Summary of reported and fixed issues is provided within below change-log
If you want to be notified of further updates on this submission make sure to follow it by clicking follow button at the top-right.
If getting item file load error do this
- ItemList.xml for IGCN
- Item.xml MuDevs
- item.txt Other
from your server in application\data\ServerData\en or other language folder
Go into AdminCP -> Website Settings -> Scheduler Settings select tab Scheduled Tasks and run task ParseServerFiles
If after parsing .xml you got still this error means there is some unrecognizable character in xml file usually it is & try to search for it and replace with and or contact support for help
if unable to parse .txt mostly it will be encoding issue try checking your file encoding and convert it to utf-8
Check if your hosting is compatible with this file
- Ticket - https://dmwcms.net/support/create
- telegram -
- discord: zettodmw
What's New in Version 1.1.9 See changelog
- [FIX]When mssql driver is used guide gets broken when editing
- [UPDATE]Killer pk count in rankings is now saved even if pk clear is used
- [FIX]Character editor sql error when server has no reset system
- [FIX]Cron task to remove old not verified accounts was not working
- [FIX]Market when purchasing item by jewels and in vault not enought space, jewels are still charged
- [FIX]Admincp Mobile dropdown menu closes after opening
- [FIX]Error in bans check cron job
- [UPDATE]Bulk Email mail list moved to file instead of database
- [FIX]Gtop100 voting api not validating votes
- [FIX]When shop discount is turned on and exe option count is limited, when clicking more options price can go negative
- [UPDATE]Added more item images
- [UPDATE]Added ip ban feature, bans can be added in application/data/ban.txt
- [UPDATE]Any MuServer version from 97D to Season 14 is supported [HOT]
- [UPDATE]Support request are now filtered by Create Time descent by default
- [UPDATE]Added option to turn on/off online player list in rankings
- [UPDATE]Added BC, DS, CC, Dueler Monthly reward options, check in rankings settings
- [UPDATE]Added donator country info in paypal logs
- [FIX]A lots of small bug fixes
- [UPDATE]Added log into account logs when admin add or remove credits
- [FIX]When transfering zen to web wallet it can disappear
- [FIX]Shop index page showing wrong item image if item has stick level
- [UPDATE]Added option in shop settings to add expiration time on shopping card items
- [UPDATE]Votereward system postback urls have been modified, you should check new urls and update your topsites
- [UPDATE]Item Tooltip now displays even more info about items, mostly consumable items have been updated
- [UPDATE]All Item Tooltip text styles have been added into website style.css
- [UPDATE]Recent Forum Topics are now loaded with scheduler [Scheduler should be configured and working properly!]
- [UPDATE]Paypal Express Checkout as paypal donation option
- [FIX]When user switch server vip data is not updated for new server
- [UPDATE]Account manager in admincp has been completely rebuilt with new features
- [UPDATE]Referral system link will display now id instead of username
- [UPDATE]Cron tasks can now be run manually, enabled/disabled check Scheduler settings
- [FIX]Referrer can get infinity rewards if referral change character name
- [UPDATE]Added paymentwall new ip support
- [UPDATE]Shop support new wing options
- [UPDATE]PHP 7.2,7.3 is now supported